
Who WE Are

In 1996, Dr. Mahipal S Sachdev founded Centre For Sight (CFS), driven by the mission to provide the best eye care to all.

Since its inception, Centre for Sight has been guided by patient centric values of efficiency, precision, compassion and integrity.

Fast forward to 2017, Dr. Sachdev founded the NDCFS Foundation and opened a new state-of-the-art facility: Centre for Sight Eye Institute at Dwarka, Delhi, the largest private comprehensive superspeciality eye Institute serving north India.

NDCFS Foundation was started with the goal to eradicate preventable and curable blindness due to cataracts and other eye diseases from our country and bring as many people as possible from blindness to useful productive lives. The “Foundation” aims to provide high-quality eye care for all including medication and cataract removal surgery especially to the most socially and economically backward people with very low awareness levels living in the most remote, inaccessible regions of the region.

We hope to have NDCFS Foundation surgeons in all the states so that no one in India goes blind without needed cataract surgery due to finances. We want to make sure every vision impaired person in India without insurance or financial resources learns about our remarkable program and benefits out of it.

Of the 8 million people living with preventable and curable blindness in India, 75% would be able to see again if they had access to eye care services. At NDCFS Foundations, we’re working hard to make this possible.

At 56 years, an elder from a village near Dwarka is able to help support his son earn a living for the family. A retired man resumes his favourite hobby and play with his grandchildren. A truck driver who had been out of work for months is back on the road. And an unemployed carpenter returns to his job.

All these patients are among the recipients of low cost or free cataract surgery provided by a dedicated group of surgeons, nurses, and other clinical staff of NDCFS Foundation.

We are ready to write many such stories of CHANGE. NDCFS Foundation is providing cataract and vision restoration services and surgeries free or at low costs for the weaker sections of the society living in underserved areas.

Our motto- Enable the Disabled; Translate Disability into Ability; Capability into a winning Opportunity- And Make quality, affordable and equitable eye care for all in India a Reality.


We are driven by Dr Mahipal’s vision to eliminate avoidable blindness, for the most socially and economically backward people, especially the elders to have access to quality eye health services and to stand up for what is right. There are many marginalized elders and working people who need cataract surgery, but can’t afford to pay for it. They have no insurance and don’t qualify for any other form of governmental assistance. The foundation aims at bringing affordable and quality eye care services at the door steps of such people.

Today NDCFS Foundation reaches the most unreachable patients wherever its services are needed. The NDCFS Foundation works to overcome barriers impeding delivery of cataract care to underserved, needlessly blind people in the region. Our efforts are focused on eradicating preventable and curable blindness with a concurrent strategy to provide high-quality care, train local personnel and establish a world-class eye care infrastructure where most needed.

Our robust program and innovation rests in our delivery system, commitment to skills-transfer and ability to provide high-quality surgical care in remote settings, reaching patients who would never make it to a hospital.

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